Welcome to my new web site! I am going to be using it as a place to discuss my own writing, as well as the books I love to read, and possibly, if I am lucky, my adventures in publishing. And if there is any time and space left over there may be occasionally a teeny-tiny post about food.
Hi dear Lucy . Love your blog . Im happy to follow your discoveries and great interests this way. I plan to read more Doris Lessing myself .
Just back from a marvellous hike and monastery discovery of Buddist Bhutan . what absolute heaven went with Bruce , Lopo and wife Sandrine who is a winner.
All is well . Anthony leaving my company and hoping to go to business school.
He has been my greatest gift, helped me so very much.
Miss your granny all the time.
How are you really , I hope well.
All my love
Hi Sandie,
So nice of you to drop by!
The book I am working on right now ends up in Portugal, so we will have to talk soon.